News - Sandy River Spring Chinook Classic Supports ANWS Legal Costs
Fellow Sandy River Chapter Members,
Joe Domenico, President of the ANWS, sent the attached very enlightening letter about the role the ANWS played in the recent court Opinion & Order. The Amicus Curiea brief submitted by ANWS and our allies, NMFS & ODFW may have tipped the scales in our favor.
Keep in mind the Sandy River Chapter made a significant pledge to support the Amicus financially and help the ANWS produce the 20 page document in less than a week. Without our support the ANWS may have hesitated or not moved forward with it, missing a small window of opportunity.
Dan Drazan, Sandy River Chapter Member and his legal firm did an outstanding job in a very short timeframe.
The Sandy Chapter should be proud, as well.
We can take it one step further by signing up for the Sandy River Chinook Classic to be held on June 1. Become a part of History in the making.
Doug Briggs
Sandy River Chapter ANWS
PS: In the first sentence of the above letter, click on "enlightening letter" to see Joe's letter and click on "court Opinion & Order" to see the court order.