Event - Chapter Meeting - Guests Welcome
Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens
Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park,
1102 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, Troutdale.
Projected Speaker:
Brad Halverson, Oregon Hatchery Research Center.
Video at - https://dfw.state.or.us/images/video_gallery/ohrc_video.asp
The goal of the Oregon Hatchery Research Center (OHRC) is to answer scientific questions related to fish recovery and hatchery programs, including the differences that may exist between wild and hatchery fish, and how to better manage those differences. Information gained at the Research Center will help answer questions vital to the success of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and implementation of the Native Fish Conservation Policy.
The Oregon Hatchery Research Center is a cooperative research project between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.