Event - Chapter Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
Round Table Pizza
4141 NE 122nd Ave,
Portland, OR 97230
6:30 PM
Approved Meeting Minutes:
NW Steelheaders – Sandy Chapter
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2018
Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR
Present: Greg Reed, Jeff Stoeger, Mike Myrick, Jeff and Terri Boughton, Steve Rothenbucher & Tim Maples, Doug Miller.
6:00 pm Call to Order Jeff S. & Greg R.
Review Board Meeting’s Minutes for November 14, 2018 presented by Greg Reed. A motion to accept minutes as written was made by Mike M. & seconded by Tim M. Unanimously passed
Treasurer’s Report - Greg R presented the updated treasurers report for review.
Raffle funds have gone into account. Paid groundskeeper at Glenn Otto (Karen)for the 2 bags of briquettes and lighter fluid she purchased for Steelhead 101 BBQ. Motion to accept the treasurer report was made by Terri B. and seconded by Mike M. Passed unanimously.
Eggs to Fry –one tanks chiller went out & all fry were lost to the heated water. Schools are getting ready to release their fry as soon as most of the egg sacs are gone. They will be released into the main stem Sandy and Clackamas Rivers.
Chapter Meeting – December – 39 members attended
Salmon/Steelhead Recovery – The Association advocates 100% for hatchery operation. We as the association are sitting in on this Coalition Project to make sure they give a clear commitment as to their intentions before proceeding. We need a commitment from the coalition this project’s focus is to bring more fish into the river and NOT about hatcheries.
Auction/Potluck – Talk of moving the Auction to Saturday May 4th instead of the first Wednesday was discussed. Greg R reserved the hall for Saturday the 4th and the members will be informed of the change during the January meeting and our newsletter.
Picnic – The chapter’s annual picnic will be reserved for August 24th 2019 at Glen Otto Park.
Norm and Jolie Ritchie requested a budget of $400, Steve R. made the motion to accept, Tim Maples 2nd and it was passed unanimously.
Watershed Meeting – Jeff S. reported that Todd and Ben from ODFW are getting fish boxes updated with fish friendly nets to prevent from touching the fish during transfer from the fish boxes to the broodstock tank. Jeff asked if the Sandy Chapter would like to donate $500 to ODFW to help purchase the nets to be installed into the boxes being used for the broodstock program. Steve R. motioned to dedicate funds up to $500 to ODFW for the purchase of fish friendly nets. Mike M 2nd and it was passed unanimously unless a stack grant is given for this purpose. Jeff S. will follow thru with this.
Sandy River Basin Watershed Council – Steve R. made a motion for the Sandy Chapter to donate $100 towards the council for upcoming Sandy River Projects. Mike M 2nd and it was passed unanimously.
Association Raffle – Mike M will find out more info soon.
ODFW Refrigeration Trailer – Tom Vanderplaat asked the Sandy Chapter what we are going to do about the broken refrigerator trailer at the Sandy River hatchery. Greg R. & Steve R. met with a refrigeration expert and found: it needs new battery, the inner tires need replacing before moving and the electrical started and ranfor a few minutes then shut off without a code.
The Association board needs to decide if the trailer is still in need, or our recommendation is to try to sell it.
Talk tabled for next meeting.
Family Fish Camp -2nd week March @ Camp Angelos. Molly Orr and Molly shea will be in charge of getting the event & volunteers organized
Terri B moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:57pm, Steve R. 2nd , unanimously approved.