Event - Ray's Frostbite Follies @ Dabney Park 2002
Thanks to Ray Hinea for writing this article:
On Saturday, January 5, 2002, the Chapter hosted its 8th edition of Frost Bite Follies. We had an excellent membership turnout, a record number of fish caught, a heaping pile of trash picked up from the river banks, and the weather cooperated! You can’t ask for much more from a fish-a-long.
We had 36 fishermen hook 32 fish. Twelve steelhead were landed with a couple released. One member even caught a 14 inch cutthroat. Lennie, how much fight did that fish give you on steelhead gear? The hot boat for the day was Eric Neiwert’s. He and his crew hooked 8 fish, lost 3, kept 4, and released 1. Eric, now’s the time to take up bowling, you’ll never have a day like that again! Jack Glass’s, Lennie Green’s, Trevor Storlic’s, and Jim Thurber’s boats also saw decent action for the day. The hard luck award has to go to Norm Ritchie and his crew. They hooked 7, lost 6, including 2 that broke off, and landed only 1. Well, Norm, at least your boat saw some action.
Now for the big THANK YOU’s to those who helped out. First, to the boat captains: Bill Beith, Bill Cluney, Norm Ritchie, Jay Burris, Lennie Green, Jeff Stoeger, Jim Thurber, Jack Glass, Brandon Glass, Trevor Storlic, Eric Neiwert, and Ray Hinea. Without these guys, Frost Bite Follies is just another day on the bank. Second, to Gus Kriara and crew at Camp Angelos. The excellent food and the hospitality is greatly appreciated. It is the perfect mid-day break. Finally, to Jeff Stoeger, Vaden Green, and Ray Hinea. These are the guys who organized the event and made it happen without a hitch! For those of you who participated, thank all of these people at the next Chapter meeting.
All of the people mentioned here are responsible for you having a great time on the river. Oh yeah, let’s also thank the BIG GUY upstairs who brought you the great weather!!! For those of you planning ahead, next year’s Frost Bite Follies will be on Saturday, January 11th. If you are still looking for a steelhead "fix" look for news of the Wilson River Wild Fish Broodstock event, hosted by the Association. See you on the river.