Event - Chapter Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
Round Table Pizza
4141 NE 122nd Ave,
Portland, OR 97230
6:30 PM
Approved Meeting Minutes:
NW Steelheaders – Sandy Chapter
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday July 11, 2018
Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR
Present: Greg Reed, Jeff Stoeger,Steve Rothenbucher, Mike Myrick, Jeff and Terri Boughton,
6:00 pm Call to Order Jeff S. & Greg R.
Review Board Meeting’s Minutes for June 13, 2018. Review of the wording for the Bobber Doggin Rod and Reel Raffle was clarified by Norm Ritchie to make sure the wording was in compliance. Norm confirmed “Raffle” was the term to be used. He also confirmed the board would let Leslie know our intention with this raffle and Greg R. would file the appropriate report to Leslie to turn into the DOJ for the raffle. Mike Myrick moved the Board Meeting’s Minutes be accepted as amended and Steve R seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report - Greg R presented the July 31, 2018 treasurers report for review & approval. We have approx. $21,000. Greg has turned in the request for reimbursement to ODFW for the May workshop and expects the funds to be received within the next two months. Steve R. moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented and Terri B. seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.
Membership Report – No significant changes since June meeting with only 3 additional members renewed. Problems with the Associations records are still being resolved slowly. We are still working on identifying recent expired members.
NoAugust board meeting – next meeting will be after the general membership meeting in September.
Annual Meeting July 21, 2018 Newport, Or –Location is the Newport Aquarium from 9am – 3pm. Jeff S. will not be attending the conference in person but will be on conference call during the meeting. Greg R., Terri & Jeff Boughton (Delegates) will attend.
Sam Cox Building sound system – Jeff S. will look into a contractor to take care of this project for under the $200 approved amount.
Newsletter - Greg R. submitted the revised letter reflecting changes to be mailed to the grandfathered in (Non-Lifetime nor Business members unaffected) still receiving the newsletter in hard copy for free. Terri B made the motion to pass the letter as written, Steve R. seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Storage Unit-Inventory was finished and the storage area was organized and cleaned out of old publications already expired. Some items were moved to the storage closet at Sam Cox. No new alternatives were made and Greg R paid the July fee for the storage facility.
Business Cards – Greg R. donated 500 generic 2 sided cards to the chapter for use until a finalized version could be made. Steve R. made the motion to accept the cards as printed until we review printing options again in September. Jeff S. seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
After School Program –Steve R. reported the program is still in review and no change in progress yet to report.
Record Keeping –Leslie H. and Greg R. will be discussing a retention schedule for document record keeping.
ByLaws/Audit/Reviews- Greg R. discussed that all financials are sent to the Association office monthly. Chapter By-Law, Procedures & Inventories are reviewed and reported to the Association each year. Mike M. made the motion to do Bi-Annual reviews of chapter By-Laws & Procedures with annual property inventories, Steve R. seconded and it was passed unanimously.
The Annual Financial Spreadsheet/report for July 1, 2018 through June 31, 2018 was given to the Association by Greg R on June 30th, 2018.
Jeff S. will set up the speakers for the September meeting and let Terri B know who to add to the Agenda.
Jeff Fulop has retired officially butwill still be our contact for ODFW until a replacement is made officially. Mike M.
The Bass Club has donated a ticket drum to the chapter. Mike M. will pick it up.
Association Raffle Sale Chapter Proceeds – Mike M. made the motion to retain our chapter’s portion from ticket sales for Association raffles. Steve R. seconded, it was passed unanimously.
Eggs to Fry – Mike M. went to the meeting held for the volunteers. There will not be a bulk purchase for the tanks this year. They can be purchased at a discount by the school districts. They are talking about a 10 gallon unit. Mike M. plans to request from the Association to approve a $5500 budget to purchase tanks and special equipment needed for filtration.
Mike has a tank he would like to prepare but needs a few parts to make it work for the program. He wants to get it working and donate to Lorrie Belle’s classroom of 3rd graders. Mike M made the motion to have our chapter purchase the needed equipment up to $550.00, to get the unit running for Lorrie’s classroom. The motion was tabled until the September board meeting after several questions about cost, whether a contract would be needed between the school and the chapter, or if it should be given as a gift to ODFW for the program. Mike M. will bring a list of supplies and cost needed.
Get Hooked on Fishing Event - Steve R. said the event could use more volunteers from our chapter. The event runs every Thursday at Blue Lake Park July 12, 19 & 26th, August 2, 9 & 16th from 10am- 3pm. Lunch provided at noon, all bait and gear provided at the event.
Volunteer hours- Reminder: Greg R. needs all volunteer hours turned in by the 30th of each month so he can record them by the end of the following month in order to get credited for those hours!
Volunteers need to track the total hours from their front door and back to their home after the event, the total miles driven and the date/event you volunteered.
7:42 pm Adjourn Terri B. called to adjourn, Steve R. seconded, unanimously passed.
Upcoming Events
August 2018 – No Chapter or Board Meetings
September 5, 2018 - Chapter Meeting - Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park. Projected Speaker/Activity: TBA
September 7th – 9th, 2018, Saturday – Tillamook Crab/Fish along – Arrive on Friday and depart on Sunday.
October 3,, 2018 - Chapter Meeting - Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park. Projected Speaker/Activity: TBA
October 6th, 2018, Saturday - Chapter Sandy River Bank Fish along to register, contact Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503)238-4775, ext. 106
November 3rd, 2018 – 2018 - Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop – at the workshop to Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale. We will likely revert back to the two day format - full day classroom with half day on-the-water session. Date for second day to be determined. Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.
Nvember 7, 2018 - Chapter Meeting - Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park. Projected Speaker/Activity: TBA
November 10th, 2018 - 2018 - Steelhead Fish-along – half day on-the-water session. Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.
December 5, 2018 - Chapter Meeting - Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park. Projected Speaker/Activity: TBA