Event - Sandy River Chapter Fishing Clinics
Sandy River Chapter Fishing Clinics
• Where- Sam Cox Bld. Glenn Otto Park
• When – Setup 8 AM, Class starts 9 AM, August 9
• Duration- 9 AM -5:30 PM
Instructors- here is the plan for the day. I also will have a 20 page packet of rigging illustrations and other materials for all of you and the students at that time. To save time and postage, I am sending you this so you’ll know where your sessions are during the day.
Please bring any rods and reels you’d like to use to demonstrate your particular technique session. Remember….these folks are beginners! Keep your presentation as simple as possible. You’ll only have 20-30 minutes to cover your particular subject, so give them the basic dynamics of it, and skip the esoteric parts.
Thanks for volunteering for this!
Larry Palmer
Fall salmon clinic, Sandy River Chapter, August 9th
• 9-9:15 registration- Doug Miller, Nona Bowling
• 9:15- 10:00- General info- salmon types, where and when to fish, ODFW catch statistics, regulations, wild salmon /hatchery salmon, species identification, licenses, tags, Columbia River fee- Larry Palmer
• 10:00- 11:00 –Basic methods for different environments- A quick over view –about 10 minutes per session
• Bay fishing – trolling herring or spinners, check the tides ! Ralph Young
• Tidewater anchor fishing with K-fish Scott Bowling
• Bobbers and bait, Jeff Stoeger
• Freshwater- drift fishing Jeff Kirkman
• Cast spinners, bobbers and jigs, Roger Beal
• 11-11:15 break
• 11:15 – 12:00 Selecting a rod and reel - Larry Palmer
• 12-12:30 lunch
• 12:30-1:30 Three knots you need to know- practice tying the egg loop, improved clinch, slider knot Doug Briggs , Steve Rothenbucher
• 1:30- 2:30 “HOW TO HANDS ON “sessions - boat methods
Approximately 20-30 minutes each session
• Trolling herring, trolling spinners, - Larry Palmer, Ralph Young
• Anchoring with K-fish- Scott Bowling
• Bobbers and bait- Jeff Stoeger
• Break- 2:30-2:45
2:45- 3:45 “HOW TO HANDS ON ” session- bank methods.
Approximately 20-30 minutes each session
• Drift fishing- Jeff Kirkman
• Bobbers and jigs, cast spinners - Roger Beal
• 3:45-5:30 PM – group splits into two groups. First group rigs up with casting spinners or bobbers and jigs and goes to the river to cast until 4:30. The second group reviews knots and riggings until 4:30 than changes spots at the river with group #1. First group then reviews knots and riggings.
• 5:30 all done. Clean up and load out. Room closed at 6 PM.
Please call me at 503-793-9225 if you have any questions or problems.
Larry Palmer