Event - River Clean-up (Spring) 2009

Start Date
Sat 4/25/2009
End Date

On Saturday 25 April 2009 fourteen members of the Sandy River Chapter of the Association of Northwest Steelheaders conducted a cleanup of general usage areas and beaches of Lewis and Clark and Dabney State Parks and Troutdale's Glen Otto Park as well as the pull outs on the highway along the Sandy River. This effort was the Chapters support of and coordination through SOLV as well as our close association with the park staff of all three parks.As you can see from the photos this was a worth well effort. The trash from Dabney State Park, which mostly came from the island off the beach area, is not shown because it had been picked up by park staff before I got there to take photos. Thanks to all the great guys that came out to help. Some of these left before the photos. The total crew were Roger Beal, Larry Beaver (the retiring river cleanup chairman), Howard Berg, Dave Bisacre, Ed Fast, Tom Gemelli (our new river cleanup chairman), Jim Henderson, John Hydorn, Mike Lane. Mike Myrick, Russ Nishitani, Lucas Roare, Mike Shields and Colonel Thomas.