Event - November Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 11/8/2017
End Date

Meeting will be at:

Round Table Pizza

4141 NE 122nd Ave,

Portland, OR 97230

6:30 PM


Meeting Minutes:




NW Steelheaders – Sandy River Chapter


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Date: Thursday November 16, 2017


Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR 




Present: Steve Rothenbucher, John & Leslie Hydorn, Bill Kirkpatrick, Larry McClintock, Anthony Pedro, & Greg Reed. 




6:05 pm Call to Order                                                                  Steve Rothenbucher




Review Board Meeting’s Minutes from October 11, 2017 - Greg Reed -. Anthony Pedromoved the Board Meeting’s Minutes from October 11, 2017 be accepted as presented and  Steve Rothenbucher seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.                      




Treasurer’s Report - Greg Reed – Copies were distributed and reviewed by those present. – Noted Closure of accounts and the opening of new ones.  This was to safeguard such after a Laptop which possibly contained account information was stolen.


Anthony Pedro moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as given and John Hydorn seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously .




Membership Report- Noted – Doug Miller was absent from this meeting.  Therefore, topic was tabled until the December 6, 2017 Board meeting.






ANWS Hall of Fame (H.O.F.[1]) Banquet –Steve Rothenbucher – Art Israelson was recognized for the work he has done in furthering the ANWS mission over the years.




There were approx. 220 in attendance. Jeff Folup (ODFW) received the President’s Award.  Sandy River Chapter had about 10 Volunteers helping with the Banquet and Auction.  The Emerald Empire (Eugene) Chapter received the Chapter of the Year award.




Annual Review – Bill Kirkpatrick -Committee report out.  See the attached report out document which was covered in the meeting.                




Volunteer hours – Please report these to Greg Reed at g_a_reed@comcast.net , for now.  The position responsible for this is now vacant and he has contacted the Association in regards to this and the processes needed to ensure they are reported and recorded.










Vacant Board positions – Greg Reed – The Vice President, Secretary, and Volunteer time reporting positions remain vacant.  Please help us in finding persons to take these roles on




November “5”, 2017 ODFW Workshop – During the workshop it was arranged to have the receipts for it given to the State for direct reimbursement.  However, since then the State has  asked the Chapter to return to the previous process for reimbursements.  This has resulted in the State having to mail via US Postal Service the receipts back to Jim Cathcart.


Greg Reed moved to have our deadline for submittal of reimbursement requests be extended (approx. 30 days) to February 1, 2108 for this event only.  This will allow time for the receipts to return to Jim Cathcart.  Steve Rothenbucher seconded the motion, and after discussion the motion was passed unanimously.








Upcoming speakers – Jeff Stoeger has arranged for Jack Glass to be our speaker at the December 6, 2017 Chapter meeting.




Debriefing – November Winter Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop on 12/6/17


Workshop debrief meeting will be at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, December 6th, Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park (prior to the regular Membership Meeting that night).




7:15pm - Meeting Adjourn                                                                     Steve Rothenbucher


































6/30/17 Annual Review Committee
Recommendations to the Sandy River Board


1)    Change the report period for the Treasurer's monthly report to the Board. Past practice has
been to report cash transactions to the Board for the period beginning with 'the date of the last
board meeting and ending at the date of the current meeting (a constantly changing report period). The Chapter's report to ANWS and its bank statements are prepared on calendar month basis. Switching to different report period for the Board has occasionally caused minor items of income and expense to be missed. We recommend that the Treasurer's report to the Board be on the same calendar month basis as the bank statements and the monthly report to the ANWS.


2)    Consider a "from the bottom up" approach when recruiting new board members. The
Chapter currently has more than 300 members, but has difficulty recruiting new board members
and officers. A long-term solution might be to recruit younger members as directors, and thereby
create a pool of prospective officers. Being a board member can be a good resume' builder for a
young person, so an email blast to the membership might generate some applicants.


3)    Work to develop a simple and consistent minute taking procedure. The objective should
be readability, consistency, and operator ease. Here are some possibilities:


a)    Use a standard template compatible with the Chapter's word processor (there are many online
to choose from). Using a template with as many fill-in-the blanks opportunities as feasible
would ease the burden on the Secretary.


b)    Use a sign-up sheet to record attendance and attach the sign-up sheet to the minutes.


c)    Develop and follow a general pattern for the meetings that tracks with the sequence in the
templates as much as possible.


4)    Be sure that decisions of the Board are properly made, documented, and reflect motion,
second and approval (and count if not unanimous).


5)    Be sure that ANWS Chapter Bylaw requirements for meetings and elections are met.


"General Membership Meetings" should be held in at least February, March and April and minutes
kept. In February, the nominating committee is made public. In March, the slate of nominees is
presented to the membership and additional nominations may be made from the floor. In April,
officers and directors are elected by a vote of the general membership. Minute keeping can be
minimized if the "General Membership Meeting" is opened, closed, and kept completely separate
from the regular "Chapter Meeting".


6)    Put non-officer board members/directors on the April ballot. The Chapter Bylaws furnished
by the ANWS indicate that the Chapter Board should consist of the past-president and elected
 officers and directors. If non-officer board members are desired, then they should be put on the


       slate and elected at the April meeting.                                         .


7)    Collaborate with the ANWS to achieve simple, straight-forward, Chapter bylaws/Chapter
management documents, including possibly the template for minutes. The ANWS has
provided Chapter Bylaws for Chapters to adopt. Tom Gerber has suggested that this document
could be re-titled as a Chapter Management document and has also suggested some other
tweaks to Norm Ritchie, the ANWS's Membership Director. He has also prepared a draft of
possible clarifying changes to the bylaw requirements for directors and officers. There is an
opportunity here for the Chapter to work with ANWS to craft a chapter management document
that best suits its needs.




Sandy River Chapter
of the


Association of Northwest Steelheaders (ANWS)




Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements


Fiscal Year Ended

compiled from the Chapter's Quicken Computer Progam



Cash Receipts per ANWS Categories:





Development (Fund Raising)










Interest Income















Total Cash Receipts










Cash Disbursements per ANWS Categories:





Development (Door prizes, Tillamook Fish-Along, Annual picnic, etc.)





Donations (Hall of Fame, City of Troutdale, misc.)





Operations (Storage Unit, Newsletter, Office Supplies, etc.)





Programs (Workshops, Restoration)





Total Cash Disbursements





Excess (Deficit) of Cash Receipts over Cash Disbursements





Beginning Cash Balance





Ending Cash Balance












Ending Cash Balances:


Umpqua Bank Business Free Checking Account                                                $8,404             $12,905
Umpqua Bank Business Money Market (Savings)                                                 6,513                 6,515
Raffle Account Change Fund                                                                                      50                      50          


Total Endina Cash Balance                                                                                   $14,967           $19,470






Other June 30, 2017 Assets of the Sandy River Chapter


  • Inventory of fishing equipment, tools, cooking supplies, coolers, and miscellaneous in Storage
    Unit Number 63 at Northwest Self Storage, Troutdale, Oregon,


  • Rent of $1,524.00 for Storage Unit Number 63 prepaid through June of 2018,
    Inventory of audio/visual equipment and coffee supplies kept in a locked closet in the
    Sam Cox Building at Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale, Oregon.
  • Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop computer in the possession of the Treasurer.
  • Dell Inspiron 1440 laptop computer designated for the Annual Review Committee.




[1] H.O.F – ANWS Hall of Fame Banquet