Event - July Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
1307 NE 102nd Ave
Portland, OR 97220
6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes:
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2016
I. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, July 13, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
II. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, July 13, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
III. Roll Call
A. A roll call was conducted. The following board members were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Steve Rothenbucher – President
2. Robert Wisher – Sr. Vice President (Absent)
3. Don Voeks – Vice President (Absent)
4. Frank Cantino – Secretary
5. John Hydorn – Treasurer
B. The following Directors were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Leslie Hinea – Auctions (Absent)
2. Mike Myrick – Fish Tanks
3. Rick Pare – Membership
4. Kathryn Israelson– Newsletter
5. Don Voeks – River Cleanups (Absent)
6. Rob Bitney – Sales (Absent)
7. Larry Palmer – Special Projects (Absent)
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C. Also present and in attendance:
1. Tom Smoot, Beverly Betzer, Greg Reed, Anthony Pedro, Bill Kirkpatrick, Art Israelson, and Larry McClintock
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes from the June Board Meeting were verbally reviewed. Mike Myrick motioned the minutes be approved. John Hydorn seconded and motion passed unanimously.
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. John Hydorn presented financial reports for June and July 2016. Frank Cantino motioned both reports be accepted and approved. Mike Myrick seconded and motion passed unanimously.
VI. Audit Committee
A. Bill Kirkpatrick explained the process the Audit Committee will utilize and items that will be review.
1. Previous fiscal year financials
2. Assets and property inventories
3. Meeting minutes
B. Committee membbers are Kirkpatrick, Doug Briggs, and Leslie Hinea
VII. Annual ANWS Delegate Meeting
A. Delegates are John Hydorn, Larry Palmer, and Beverly Betzer
B. Meeting to be held on July 30, 2106, 9am, @ Glenn Otto.
VIII. , Summerfest Review
A. Rick Pare reported on Summerfest. Pare explained the event, held at Beavercreek, was very successful and the most attended to date. Pare and others staffing the Sandy Chapter booth were able to speak with over 50 people, sign up 2 new members, and potentially recruit additional participants for the upcoming ODFW Clinic.
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IX. John Day Camping Trip Report
A. Anthony Pedro reported the event was a success. It was a great opportunity to meet and/or get to know other members.
B. Beverly Betzer reported the campsite was excellent; complete with showers and plumbed toilets, and very well maintained. Fishing was also great; with a variety of species being caught, from blue gill to catfish.
X. ANWS Emergency Presidents’ Meeting
A. Steve Rothenbucher and Tom Smoot reported an emergency meeting of chapter presidents was held to address communication and planning problems between the parent organization and chapters. Discussion appeared fruitful and hopefully past issues will be rectified.
XI. July 23, 2016 ODFW Fishing Clinic:
A. Larry Palmer chairing.
B. Those assisting need to email Larry to gain free access to Oxbow Regional Park.
XII. E-mail Issues
A. John Hydorn reported emails sent out to chapter members are getting labeled as spam. It was explained to him when several e-mails get deleted without being read, a spam designation may occur.
B. John Hydorn and Tom Smoot will research potential solutions to the problem.
XIII. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.