Event - August Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
1307 NE 102nd Ave
Portland, OR 97220
6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes:
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Association of Northwest Steelheaders
Sandy Chapter
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2016
I. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, August 17, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
II. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, July 13, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
III. Roll Call
A. A roll call was conducted. The following board members were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Steve Rothenbucher – President
2. Robert Wisher – Sr. Vice President
3. Don Voeks – Vice President
4. Frank Cantino – Secretary (Absent)
5. John Hydorn – Treasurer
B. The following Directors were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Leslie Hinea – Auctions (Absent)
2. Mike Myrick – Fish Tanks
3. Rick Pare – Membership
4. Kathryn Israelson– Newsletter
5. Don Voeks – River Cleanups
6. Rob Bitney – Sales (Absent)
7. Larry Palmer – Special Projects (Absent)
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C. Also present and in attendance:
1. Beverly Betzer, Anthony Pedro, Art Israelson, and Larry
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes from the June Board Meeting were reviewed. John Hydorn
motioned the minutes be approved. Don Voeks seconded and motion
passed unanimously.
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. John Hydorn presented the financial report for August 2016. Don
Voeks motioned the report be accepted and approved. Robert Wisher
seconded and motion passed unanimously.
VI. Calendar Conflicts
A. Steve Rothenbucher reported numerous conflicts were occurring
between scheduled chapter events and events sponsored by
like-minded or competing organizations.
1. Bev Betzer volunteered to gather information from various
other organizational calendars; i.e., ODFW, and compile a single
reference calendar that could be used when planning future
events. Anthony Pedro and John Hydorn agreed to assist Bev in
the effort.
VII. Increasing Membership
A. Steve Rothenbucher led a discussion on how to attract new members.
Ideas presented included the creation of a membership committee,
social mixers, use of different color name tags to identify new
members and visitors, and possible changes to the general meeting
format. Further discussion was tabled for future board meetings.
VIII. Volunteers Sought
A. Removal of rain gutters and repairs to sound system are needed at the
Glenn Otto Meeting Hall. Steve Rothenbucher will speak on this need
at the next general membership meeting.
IX. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.