Event - October Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 10/12/2016
End Date

Meeting will be at:


1307 NE 102nd Ave

Portland, OR 97220

6:30 PM


Meeting Minutes:

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2016

I. Call to Order

A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, October 11, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.

II. Roll Call

A. A roll call was conducted. The following board members were present unless otherwise noted:

1. Steve Rothenbucher – President

2. Robert Wisher – Sr. Vice President

3. Don Voeks – Vice President

4. Frank Cantino – Secretary

5. John Hydorn – Treasurer

B. The following Directors were present unless otherwise noted:

1. Leslie Hinea – Auctions (Absent)

2. Mike Myrick – Fish Tanks

3. Rick Pare – Membership (Absent)

4. Patty Snyder – Newsletter

5. Don Voeks – River Cleanups

6. Rob Bitney – Sales (Absent)

7. Larry Palmer – Special Projects (Absent)

C. Also present and in attendance:

1. Jeff Stoeger, Anthony Pedro, Art Israelson, Kathyrn Israelson. Jim Cathcart, and Bill Kirkpatrick.

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III. Approval of Minutes

A. Minutes for the September 2016 Board Meetings were prepared and

distributed electronically by Frank Cantino. Don Voeks motioned the

minutes be approved and John Hydorn seconded. Motion passed


IV. Treasurer’s Report

A. John Hydorn prepared and presented Financial Reports for August and

September 2016. Following review, Frank Cantino motioned the

reported be accepted in to record. John Hydorn seconded. Motion

passed unanimously.

V. Annual Review (Audit) Report

A. Bill Kirkpatrick presented the reported from the Annual Review

Committee; along with the committee’s findings and

recommendations. Kirkpatrick chaired the committee which was

comprised of himself, Doug Briggs, and Leslie Hinea.

B. In total, the committee offered nine separate recommendations to the

Executive Board that it believed would enhance the functionality of the


1. Don Voeks moved the report be accepted into record and further

discussion on the proposals be tabled until the following

month’s meeting. Frank Cantino seconded and the motion

passed unanimously.

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VI. Purchase of New Laptops

A. John Hydorn reported the laptop currently owned and used to track

finances, along with it’s hardware and software components, is far too

old and outdated. Hydorn proposed the association look into

purchasing two (2) new laptops for the Chapter. The first would be

dedicated for use by the chapter treasurer and the second would be

used to during audio-visual presentations; i.e.; training sessions or

PowerPoint presentations.

B. Hydorn, along with Pattie Snyder and Frank Cantino, agreed to meet to

assemble a committee to further research the proposal and report

back to the full executive board with a recommendations and

proposed cost(s).

VII. River Clean-up

A. Don Voeks reported the annual River Clean-up, which was previously

postponed and rescheduled, will be held October 22nd. Volunteers have

been directed to assemble at 8:30 am, at Glenn Otto Park.

1. John Hydorn agreed to update the Chapter website to reflect the

above information.

VIII. November 5th ODFW Clinic

A. Jim Cathcart presented an overview of the material to be covered at

the upcoming ODFW Clinic. Cathcart noted several changes will be

implemented in the training format that will hopefully streamline and

improve upon the clinic.

IX. Eggs for Schools

A. Mike Myrick reported the Eggs for Schools Campaign will begin the

week of October 16-20th. Currently there are 17 schools involved in

raising Chinook and Trout eggs for the hatcheries.

X. Adjournment

A. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.