Time is running out once again. Again we need your help to give credit where credit is deserved. Your Volunteer time in hours are very important considering they are valued at $21.36 per hour. When collected and submitted to the Association of Northwest Steelheaders, they certify and pass on to the Federal Government to be funded back to the Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife. Bottom line…our efforts help support the hatcheries that keep fish in the rivers. Please submit before June 30th your hours spent on any Steelheader projects and mileage where it was an ODFW project. For example ODFW PROJECTS: Carcass Toss, Kid's Fishing Pond, Clinics, Stream projects. Remember time starts when you leave your home until you return. Only if it is ODFW sponsored does mileage become a factor. Again mileage starts from home until your return. Any questions please call me or E-Mail. Robert 503-780-8212 rjwisherstix@gmail.com
For what it is worth, our fiscal year started 1 July 2015 and ends June 30th 2016. Only activity during this period is accountable. Thank You for your efforts...