Event - The Summer Invitational
Several years ago I organized a couple of chapter float trip/camp over’s down the Willamette River near
Eugene. These were a lot of fun, we caught many trout and the river traffic (except for us…) was just about
nonexistent. We spent the night camped on an island hearing only the sounds of water and wildlife. Because
of working weekend days, I have been unable to organize similar trips for awhile. Now that has changed and
I am off on weekends again.
I have decided to re-constitute these trips with a new wrinkle…they will be a special trip done as a sort of a
“Thanks” to those who have volunteered for chapter functions over the year. If you are one of our volunteers
interested in going, please submit your name to me (the coordinator of this effort…) at Palmerlarryd@yahoo.
com. That will be the only avenue of tracking your interest, attendance and keeping you informed of any trip
I’ll put your name in an e-mail work group to keep you advised of any details of the upcoming trip. I will
need your name by May 31st. The trip will occur on June 18th and 19th.
Pairings will be made with boat skippers from this email list. I’ll put them in touch with each other with that
list so they can plan their camping gear and so forth.
Obviously, we need as many boats and rafts as possible. If you can go and have a boat that can accommodate
another person, that will serve as your volunteer effort this year!
It is likely that we will have more interested people than we can accommodate so a small committee set up
by the president will choose the names of the lucky ducks (beavers and others) who will be going. No word
yet on whose hat they will use to draw the names from…
There will be no charge for this trip. The chapter will provide dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on
Sunday morning. Other lunches and snacks are up to you.
You’ll need to provide your own tent and sleeping kit. Transportation of all that stuff will be arranged with
your boat captain and there’s no need (or room) to take extra stuff. Register early and work out those details
with your boat captain.
OK, now about the fishing… this is basically a trout trip although you could fish for steelhead in some places.
As a trout trip, we’ve found that fishing below the riffles with a dry fly (Humpy, Elk Hair caddis, etc.) works
well, although the ol’ Wooly Worm and Wooly Bugger type work too. As we drift from riffle to riffle, cast out
with a Rooster tail or similar spinner, brown, yellow or black. Have an iced tea, then go ashore to fish below
the next riffle with that fly. That’s pretty much it.
We camp overnight on an island, take out at Harrisburg on Sunday afternoon about 3:00 PM, shuttle and go
Again, I’ll be the coordinator of all this and any questions or registration will be to me at:
palmerlarryd@yahoo.com .
Thanks, Larry Palmer