Event - June Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 6/8/2016
End Date

Meeting will be at:


1307 NE 102nd Ave

Portland, OR 97220

6:30 PM


Meeting Minutes:

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Association of Northwest Steelheaders
Sandy Chapter
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2016
I. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, June 8, 2016. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
II. Roll Call
A. A roll call was conducted. The following board members were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Steve Rothenbucher – President
2. Robert Wisher – Sr. Vice President
3. Don Voeks – Vice President (Absent)
4. Frank Cantino – Secretary
5. John Hydorn – Treasurer (Absent)
B. The following Directors were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Leslie Hinea – Auctions (Absent)
2. Mike Myrick – Fish Tanks
3. Rick Pare – Membership
4. Kathryn Israelson– Newsletter
5. Don Voeks – River Cleanups (Absent)
6. Rob Bitney – Sales (Absent)
7. Larry Palmer – Special Projects (Absent)
C. Also present and in attendance:
1. Joyce Sherman, Art Israelson, and Larry McClintock
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III. Approval of Minutes
A. It was noted the minutes from the May 2016 Board Meeting needed to be
amended to reflect Kathryn Israelson as the Newsletter Chairperson, Don
Voeks as the River Clean-Up Chairperson, and Rob Bitney as the
Chairperson of Sales. Mike Myrick motioned the May Minutes be approved
with the noted changes to be completed. Robert Wisher seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
A. John Hydorn was absent and a Treasurer’s Report was not presented.
However, Steve Rothenbucher noted the Auction conducted at the 2016
Sandy Steelheaders Banquet was very successful.
V. Sandy River Classic
A. Joyce Sherman from ANWS reported the turnout for the 2016 Classic was
very poor; 23 anglers. Additionally, only four fish were reported caught.
Overall, the cost of the event was $2740.00 and $3700.00 was raised;
bringing into question its worth considering the time and additional
resources that were expended.
B. Rothenbucher recommended the Sandy Chapter no longer participate in
the event, while ANWS remains in charge of managing it. He believed it
casts a poor light on our chapter ability to orchestrate similar events.
Rothenbucher further noted a change of venue should be considered,
sponsors needed to be more aggressively pursued and followed up on, and
the tavern primarily associated with the event should share in the cost of
C. Myrick motioned the Sandy Chapter dissolve its relationship with future
Classics until significant changes are made. Wisher seconded and motion
passed unanimously.
D. Myrick and Wisher agreed to prepare a formal letter to ANWS advising
them of the chapter’s decision.
VI. Upcoming Events/Statuses
A. Beavercreek/Summerfest: July 9th. Mcloughlin Chapter will responsible for
fishing pond set-up.
B. July 23, 2016 ODFW Fishing Clinic: Larry Palmer still chairing. A link to
sign-ups and ODFW can be accessed on our Chapter’s website.
C. John Day Family Overnighter, June 24-26: Steve Childress and John Hydorn
plan to pre-inspect site. Currently, three boats have been committed to
event. Participants will be ferried by boat from Lapage Landing to Phillipi
Park. Food costs and suggested camping fees will be paid for by those
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D. July 30th Chapter Picnic at Glenn Otto Park: Further discussion on this
event was tabled until the next meeting.
E. Annual ANWS Chapter/Delegate Meeting: Rothenbucher noted the
meeting is currently scheduled for July 30th and conflicts with our chapter’s
annual picnic. Rothenbucher will gather additional information and
report back at next board meeting.
VII. Youth Fishing Events
A. Rothenbucher reported on two recently concluded events at Mt Hood
Community College and Henry Haag Lake. At Mt. Hood, there were well
over 500 junior anglers. At Haag, three boats were used to ferry
approximately 200 kids out on to the lake to fish..
VIII. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.