Event - March Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 3/11/2015 6:30 PM
End Date

Meeting will be at:


1307 NE 102nd Ave

Portland, OR 97220

6:30 PM


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Association of Northwest Steelheaders
Sandy Chapter
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2016
I. Call to Order
A. Steve Rothenbucher called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Sandy Chapter Board of Directors, at 6:30 pm, October 14, 2015. Location: Izzy’s Restaurant, 1307 NE 102nd, Portland, OR.
II. Roll Call
A. A roll call was conducted. The following board members were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Steve Rothenbucher – President
2. Robert Wisher – Sr. Vice President
3. Don Voeks – Vice President (Absent)
4. Frank Cantino – Secretary
5. John Hydorn – Treasurer
B. The following Directors were present unless otherwise noted:
1. Leslie Hinea – Auctions (Absent)
2. Mike Myrick – Fish Tanks (Absent)
3. Rick Pare – Membership
4. John Bennet – Newsletter
5. Russ Sumida – River Cleanups (Absent)
6. Brad Halverson – Sales (Absent)
7. Larry Palmer – Special Projects (Absent)
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C. Also present and in attendance:
1. Kathryn Israelson, Stevie Parsons, Geoff Parsons and Anthony Pedro
III. Approval of Minutes
A. No minutes submitted from previous meeting.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
A. John Hydorn presented the March 2016 Financial Report to the board.
Frank Cantino motioned the report be accepted and Robert Wisher
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Recording of Volunteer Hours
A. With numerous events coming up, Robert Wisher issued a reminder that all
volunteer hours need to be recorded so that proper reimbursement can be
sought from ODFW.
VI. Upcoming Events/Statuses
A. Salmon Quest: scheduled for April 2, 2016. Brad Stoeger managing.
B. Acclimation Pond: scheduled for April 8, 2016
C. ODFW Angler scheduled for April 2, 2016, Sam Cox Building.
1. Kathryn Israelson noted additional information needed to be
forward to John Bennet and her to accompany a notice of the event
in the monthly newsletter.
D. Path Clean-Up, April 23, 2016, Glenn Otto Park. Manager: Don Voeks.
E. Sandy River Classic, June 4-5, 2016.
1. Doug Briggs was slated to manage, but may not be able to. Steve
Rothenbucher will follow up with Doug.
F. Small Fry Fishing Event: Tentatively scheduled for May 21, 2016. Proposed
manager Larry Palmer.
VII. Outreach Program
A. Steve Rothenbucher reported on his and Brad Halverson’s visits to two
other chapters’ meetings; McLoughlin and Columbia River Chapters.
1. McLoughlin Visit: During the meeting, Rothenbucher and Halverson
extended invites to members to attend the upcoming Angler
Education Training. McLoughlin members were also welcomed to
attend the Sandy Chapter Annual Banquet and Auction.
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2. Columbia River: The visit was brief, but Brad and Steve did gather
information on Columbia River’s upcoming Wounded Warrior
Fishing Event. Rothenbucher proposed the Sandy Chapter organize
a similar event. Further discussion on the proposition was tabled
for future meetings.
VIII. Portland Women’s Expo
A. Steve Parson’s reported on the upcoming Women’s Expo.
1. Parsons noted that a ANWS Booth would be operated at the event.
She further reported that she wanted to organize a give away of a
fishing rod and reel. Parson’s already had the rod, donated by
ODFW, and requested the Sandy Chapter provide a reel to
accompany it.
2. John Hydorn stated he would personally donate a new reel and
Steve Rothenbucher and he would also provide and assemble to the
rod with tackle.
B. Parsons proposed future fishing events specifically aimed toward female
participation be planned out in the future. The idea was met with support
and more specific action and discussion was tabled for future meetings.
IX. New Business
A. John Bennet reported the columnar format design of the current Sandy
Chapter Newsletter will be changed. Bennet and Kathryn Israelson both
believe the standard page format would make design and formatting
easier; as well as, improve the newsletter overall appearance.
B. Bennet asked the newsletter no longer be required to publish a list of
candidates and positions for upcoming elections. He suggested a simple
notice of the election would suffice. Frank Cantino motioned the requested
action be approved. John Hydorn seconded and motion passed
X. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 7:37 pm, March 16, 2016.