News - Stream Team Update
Sat 1/18/2014
Stream Team Update
- Beaver Creek Christmas tree placement- I wish to thank all of you who signed up at last month’s general meeting for work on upcoming projects! The trees we’ll need for work in Beaver creek are stacked up near the work site, and more trees will be delivered soon to another storage site for work further upstream. We are also looking into a “How To” presentation in April by a group which has done this sort of thing before. It looks like that tree placement work will be done in May. I’ll finalize work dates with our STEP biologist soon and relay them to you.
- Buck Creek dig out- Buck creek enters the Sandy River opposite Oxbow Park, plunging through a large culvert pipe in its last few feet. The fish have to jump up into the pipe through some swift water. In order to make that jump, they need sufficient depth and distance to build up speed. Over the last few years the jump approach below the culvert has gotten filled in with small rocks. On June 21 and 28th we are going to move the rocks out. Most are small, baseball to cantelope sized. Rocks will simply be tossed into the river downstream of the approach, so no long distance carrying. We’ll meet in Glen Otto Park parking lot at 8 AM on those days, and car pool up. Parking is limited at that worksite.
Cooking gear needed
One feature of our work projects is that we serve a free camp-style hot lunch to all workers. If you have serviceable propane fired cooking gear, coolers, or cooking implements that you can part with, simply bring them to the next chapter general meeting. We’ll put them in our collection and use them on future projects.
Larry Palmer
Stream Projects Coordinator